This displays the Learner Progress screen, where you can review the following information:
Support Needs
Support Needs
If you learner has any support needs they will be shown in the sections. The colour of the panels will depend on the institution you learner is enrolled at, and the number of recorded needs.
If you are in Wales the number of days until the next IDP review is due will also be shown in this section.
The attendance section shows you the percentage of sessions that your learner has been marked present in. The colour will be red, amber or green. This is based on the boundaries set by your learner’s institution. If it is yellow or red it may mean there are some concerns about the learner’s level of attendance.
The punctuality section shows you the percentage of attended session that your learner has been marked as arriving on time to. The colour will be red, amber or green. This is based on the boundaries set by your learner’s institution. If it is yellow or red it may mean there are some concerns about the learner’s timekeeping, and they may be missing significant learning opportunities.
The timetable section shows you the next session that the learner has on their timetable.
The enrolments sections shows a count of the number of active enrolments that the learner is on.
The exams section shows the number of exams that the learner has coming up.
The markbook section shows a summary of the assessments that are recorded for the learner. The table shows how many have been passed or failed as well as how many have yet to be marked.
The ILP section shows the status of any reviews or targets that the learner has.
Reviews require learners to answer some questions. These are usually related to course experience, progress or support needs.
Targets are assigned to learners to help them with their courses. They can be related to studies/attendance/behaviour.
The bar chart shows the following information
R-Open - Open reviews are reviews that are waiting to be started.
R-In - In Progress reviews are reviews that have been started but not yet completed.
R-Over - Overdue reviews are reviews that have not been completed and are past the due date.
T-Open - Open targets are targets that are waiting to be started.
T-In - In Progress targets are targets that have been started but not yet completed.
T-Over - Overdue targets are targets that have not been completed and are past the due date.